




1. 桑拿文化的传承与发展


2. 上海人的生活方式


3. 城市精神的体现



1. 传承与弘扬传统文化


2. 增强城市文化软实力


3. 激发城市活力







1. 传统桑拿




2. 淋浴桑拿




3. 蒸汽房桑拿




4. 健身桑拿




5. 主题桑拿





1. 选择正规桑拿场所,确保消费安全。

2. 了解桑拿场所的收费标准,避免不必要的消费。

3. 根据自身需求选择合适的桑拿类型和时长。

4. 注意个人卫生,穿着合适的衣物进入桑拿场所。

5. 适量饮用温水,补充水分。







1. 环保节能:上海环保节能桑拿炉采用国际先进技术,以天然气、电、生物质能等清洁能源为燃料,实现了零排放,符合国家环保要求。同时,产品具有高效节能的特点,与传统桑拿炉相比,能耗降低30%以上。

2. 安全可靠:公司注重产品质量,桑拿炉采用高品质材料制造,具有耐高温、耐腐蚀、抗老化等特点。此外,产品还具备多重安全保护功能,如过热保护、缺水保护、漏电保护等,确保用户在使用过程中的安全。

3. 智能化控制:上海环保节能桑拿炉采用先进的微电脑控制系统,可实现温度、湿度、时间等参数的精确调节,满足不同用户的需求。同时,产品还支持远程监控,用户可通过手机APP随时了解桑拿房的运行状况。

4. 时尚美观:桑拿炉外观设计简约时尚,线条流畅,与各种装修风格相得益彰。此外,产品采用模块化设计,可根据用户需求定制不同尺寸和功能的桑拿炉。



1. 政策支持:我国政府高度重视环保节能产业,出台了一系列政策措施鼓励企业研发和生产环保节能产品。这为上海环保节能桑拿炉生产商的发展提供了良好的政策环境。

2. 市场需求:随着生活水平的提高,人们对健康养生越来越重视,桑拿房作为一种健康养生方式,市场需求日益旺盛。上海环保节能桑拿炉生产商的产品正好满足了这一市场需求。

3. 技术优势:公司拥有强大的研发团队和先进的生产设备,能够不断推出具有竞争力的新产品。这使得上海环保节能桑拿炉生产商在市场上具有明显的竞争优势。








1. 优惠力度大:平台与各大桑拿场所紧密合作,推出多种团购套餐,让消费者以超低折扣价享受高品质的桑拿服务。

2. 优惠种类多:平台提供多种优惠方式,如团购、优惠券、满减等,让消费者在享受桑拿的同时,还能节省开支。

3. 优质服务:平台拥有专业的客服团队,为您提供一对一的咨询服务,确保您的消费体验。

4. 便捷操作:平台操作简单,消费者只需登录账号,即可轻松购买团购套餐,享受优惠。

5. 安全可靠:平台采用加密技术,保障用户信息安全,让您放心购物。


1. 精选桑拿场所:平台精选上海各大知名桑拿场所,确保消费者享受到优质的服务。

2. 多样化桑拿风格:平台涵盖日式、韩式、泰式等多种桑拿风格,满足不同消费者的需求。

3. 个性化定制:平台提供个性化定制服务,根据您的需求,为您推荐最适合的桑拿套餐。

4. 互动性强:平台设有用户评价、晒单等功能,让消费者了解其他用户的真实体验,提高购物信心。

5. 节假日特惠:平台在节假日推出特别优惠活动,让您在享受桑拿的同时,还能享受节日的快乐。


1. 注册账号:登录平台官网,注册账号,享受更多优惠。

2. 浏览桑拿场所:在平台上浏览各大桑拿场所,了解其服务、价格等信息。

3. 选择团购套餐:根据您的需求,选择合适的团购套餐。

4. 下单购买:点击购买按钮,填写相关信息,完成支付。

5. 领取优惠券:购买成功后,平台将自动为您发放优惠券,可在下次消费时使用。








1. 环保健康:上海桑拿板吊顶制造商注重产品的环保性能,采用优质原材料,严格遵循国家环保标准,确保产品不含甲醛、苯等有害物质,对人体健康无危害。

2. 质量可靠:公司拥有严格的质量管理体系,从原材料采购到生产加工,每个环节都经过严格把控,确保产品品质稳定可靠。

3. 设计新颖:上海桑拿板吊顶制造商紧跟市场潮流,不断创新设计,推出多种风格和款式的桑拿板吊顶产品,满足不同消费者的需求。

4. 安装便捷:公司提供专业施工服务,采用模块化设计,安装便捷,可快速完成吊顶工程。


1. 研发实力:上海桑拿板吊顶制造商拥有一支强大的研发团队,不断进行技术创新,提高产品性能和附加值。

2. 设备先进:公司引进国内外先进的生产设备,确保生产过程高效、稳定。

3. 质量检测:公司建立了完善的质量检测体系,对产品进行全面检测,确保产品质量符合国家标准。





In another three to five months, a tiger skin might have the strength to hit the bottom five in the overall list of dragons and tigers

"It’s a teacher"
"You are now ranked 64th. Which ranking are you going to challenge?" Asked the teacher on duty
The highest ranking of Xu tuilonghu in the general list has reached 59, but in recent months, other students have successfully challenged and Xu tui’s ranking has been delayed.
"Well, I’ll notify the 54th teacher and then inform the teacher on duty that it may take one o’clock."
I was just about to make a direct call, but before the words were dialed out, the teacher on duty suddenly added, "Xu retired and took the liberty to ask, are you going to play one or two games today or are you going to kill the top ten in the dragon and tiger total list?"
Xu back puzzled some doubts.
"Not if you want to kill the top 20 and top 10 in the overall list of dragon and tiger, then the teacher on duty in the genetic evolution environment will not be afraid.
It may not be enough for one of the professors of genetic evolution to come and watch.
I have to give a notice, "said the teacher on duty.
"Then let me know."
Xu tui doesn’t know how to deliver the news.
But fifteen minutes later, the whole classroom of Huaxia Gene Evolution University exploded!
In particular, there are also public classes for freshmen and sophomores, and students will discuss with the teacher on the spot.
Watch the game!
Increase actual combat experience
Watch the master fight!
Various reasons
Many teachers agreed to stop the class.
Some teachers don’t like this situation and continue their classes.
But the horse was defeated by reality. Bold students have various reasons to leave.
Headache, urgency, hypoglycemia, abdominal pain in menstruation and so on.
The question is, there are several male students. What do you mean, you have a terrible stomachache?
Naineng temporarily suspended classes.
The reason for all this is that there is a struggle for dragons.
Some people say that they will retire today and go straight to the top ten in the overall list of dragons and tigers.
This kind of war is really not missed.
The crowd is surging!
This is a sudden induction of sitting in the ring of the Dragon and Tiger General List and waiting for Xu to retreat.
Suddenly, people poured into the surrounding area of the Dragon and Tiger General List from all directions.
There is a grab for the position and holding high the live broadcast equipment to prepare for the live broadcast of the popular video master.
At the same time, the personal communication equipment also started to drip.
"Brother Wocao, you are not authentic. You don’t want to fight the dragon and tiger master list, and you don’t give me a seat before me.
Your special assistant today is that I reserved a seat for me in the front row. "Cui Xi sent a short message.
"I … go … or not, brother. Don’t inform me about such a big event! ! !” Chai Xiao
"I am waiting for you" Luo Mu
"Keep a seat!" Yan lie
Message after message.
In less than ten minutes, the surrounding positions of the Dragon and Tiger Master List were occupied, even the corridors were occupied.
Xu has already seen Cui Xi this fellow shouting that he is an assistant with a huge chest muscle and rushing forward.
Suddenly Xu retired and telepathy moved slightly.
On the edge of the challenge ring, Yan Lie, this fellow, appeared by virtue of it.
This fellow entered the innermost circle and actually made the ability.
When I saw this scene near Ma, my classmates criticized me one after another.
"Assistant, I am a teammate who has retired from the ground, and I am also his assistant today!" Yan Lie rushed to explain.
"Xu back, don’t you think?"
"I prefer it if a younger sister comes to wipe my sweat and feed me water."
"How am I?" Squeezing in from the crowd, Lizhen waved a towel and splashed with water, looking like an assistant little sister.
"I have transferred the picture to Xiaoxue."

Hearing this, the ghost Lord flashed a green brilliance in his eyes and then said nothing.

Lock the demon tower
South China Sea Dragon King North China Sea Dragon King sits on the mountain and looks up at the vast Milky Way with a glass in his hand burning chicken legs. It’s a happy day.
"This lock demon tower is a good place to live in peace and provide for the aged. It’s a pity that you and my brother learned immortality but were trapped in a humble abode and could not go out." Nanhai Longjun took a sip of wine and sighed.
"Eldest brother has been doomed, and it’s god’s blessing that you and my brother can get away with it." Beihai Long Jun muttered something.
"Jin scale sneak attack on the second brother and then the second brother became Aole. Give up and live forever. Is that true? Our brothers have known each other for so many years. Why can’t I believe this? I always feel that this is not in line with my second brother’s character. It’s not Aole who swallowed it, is it? After all, that’s a step up. "Nanhai Longjun chewed a chicken leg.
"You ask me where I know" Beihai Long Jun turned supercilious look "Le Er is that we shouldn’t do that when we grow up. She is not so strange. Our brother was flustered and entered the lock demon tower and was trapped here. Le Er was called to deal with Brocade Scale alone. If it weren’t for Brocade Scale, my family would suffer today".
Listening to the words of Beihai Longjun, Nanhai Longjun was silent for a while before saying, "Actually, this lock demon tower is also quite good. My dragon is still the overlord here, and life is very moist."
"I’m going out to get revenge from that bastard Jin Li. I don’t want to be trapped here." Nanhai Longjun’s eyes were filled with murder.
"alas!" A familiar sigh sounded, and the South China Sea Dragon Jun and the North China Sea Dragon Jun suddenly sat up as if their buttocks were on fire. They looked around and looked at the people coming in the distance. They were all looking at each other with horror. The North China Sea Dragon Jun said, "Why are you here?"
"Your brothers can be here, but you can’t be here?" Brocade scales looked at the sea clan territory with both hands, and it took a while to say, "Yes, I’ve had a good time here in the Dragon Department."
"Jin Scale didn’t expect you to catch up here. Our brothers insisted that you make an end." Beihai Longjun glared at Jin Scale. "Our brothers have avoided you. You have been struggling to keep my brother alive."
"Alas," Jin Li sat in front of the barbecue grill and flipped through the roast chicken and tore a chicken leg. "Aole is dead! The four seas have turned into the Dead Sea! "
"What?" Two Long Jun qi qi a surprised Beihai Long Jun nu way "must be you must be you swallowed AoLe isn’t it! I will fight with you! "
Beihai Longjun rushed towards Jinlian, but was held by Nanhai Longjun. "Calm down. Jinlian is not in the right state at this time. It seems that he can exert his magical powers here. We are no match for him."
"You are still so impulsive." Jin Li glanced at Beihai Longjun and sighed gently. "What a pity!"
"I didn’t kill Aole. If I can kill Aole without Aole’s strength?" Jin Li looked at the two dragons. "Do you want to know what happened outside these years?"
Looking at Jin Li’s words, he didn’t start. Nanhai Long Jun said, "What happened?"
"Don’t be so hostile to me. Let’s sit down." Brocade pointed to the seat beside her.
"No, let’s just listen." Nanhai Longjun whined.
"Alas" Jin Lin nai a sigh "let it be! Let it be! I’ll tell you what happened outside. "
Brocade scales no longer pay attention to the two Long Jun, but look at the fire and explain what happened outside.
After a long time, Jin Li shut up and stared at the flames with a pair of eyes. I never thought that just tens of thousands of years would be a sea change.
Listening to Jin Li’s words, Beihai Longjun and Nanhai Longjun were dull. After a while, Beihai Longjun suddenly woke up. "I don’t believe this is all your story. I don’t believe it! How can the dragon fall? How can Le Er commit suicide? It must be your fault. "
"I’m here does not affect the strength, and your brother is not to me ordinary people want to devour you. It’s not difficult for me to take pains to come here and make up some lies to cheat you? Am I that free? " Brocade scales shook her head and looked sad, "Things have changed."
After listening to Jin Li’s words, the two Long Jun were silent for a while before listening to Nanhai Long Jun’s way, "Are you telling the truth?"
"If there is a false word, I will die a natural death, and I will never live forever on Zulong Avenue." Jin Li solemnly swore.
I heard Jin Li swear that the two brothers suddenly changed color, and Nanhai Longjun’s voice trembled. "Is my sea clan really declining?"
"I am a dragon sinner." Brocade smiled bitterly.
Nanhai Longjun Beihai Longjun sat there looking at the fire in silence.
"Hung-chun is really as evil as you say?" Nanhai Longjun looked at Jinlian.
"More fantastic than you think is now the enemy! I’m a murderer when my sea clan falls. "Jin Li gnashed her teeth." If he hadn’t made any curse, my sea clan would have ended up where it is today. If it weren’t for him, Aole couldn’t figure out how Aole could sit on his own. "
"It’s a Shinto, a celestial fairy road, and all the ancestors and demon gods have been trapped in the lock demon tower. I entered the lock demon tower this time just to break the lock demon tower and save everyone." Speaking of this, Jin Lin Nai sighed, "It’s a pity that the complexity of the lock demon tower is beyond expectations. It’s impossible for me to crack the lock demon tower alone without hundreds of thousands of years."
"Not only that, you enter the lock demon tower and even come at our brothers." Beihai Long Jun smiled coldly.
Brocade scales smell speech nodded "there is such a part of the reason"
Speaking of which, Jin Li’s face is sincere. "Now I have an absolute advantage. What I say is absolutely true. Even if I refine your brother, I can resurrect your brother if I want to turn him into a dragon. Is this a lie? I can devour you at any time now. Are you trying to lie to you? It’s a pity that your brothers don’t believe me and call me Dafa, but they can’t successfully give Hung-chun the opportunity, otherwise this variable would have been killed by my town. "
"Can you really resurrect?" Beihai Long Jun is one leng.
Jinlin smiled bitterly. "You didn’t know that Zulong was great, but it was a chaotic opponent. You four brothers just called Zulong’s fate to split and never return to the world in a perfect way. What’s more, you four brothers are Zulong!"
"There is some truth in it." Beihai Long Jun scratched his head.
"You are all a group of elm heads, but you can’t turn this corner." Jin Li wry smile.
"The good thing is that now our brothers have no choice but to trust you. Our brothers’ self-sacrifice has become that you hope you didn’t lie to me." Nanhai Longjun came to the front of Brocade and looked at chaos and chaos, revealing a dignified look. "Promise me that I will resurrect Aole."
"Don’t worry, you want me to achieve Zulong. Nothing will change and I will return to the original point." Jin Li said.
"good!" The dragon king of the South China Sea said that he had disappeared into the chaos of brocade scales for a moment.
"Since the second brother chose to believe you, I will naturally listen to the second brother’s opinion." Looking at the brocade scale, I hope that the North Sea Dragon King will instantly plunge into the chaos of brocade scale.
Looking at the flame in front of me, I threw the chicken leg away and made a French seal. "Self-dedication is due to the accelerated condensation of my ancestor’s body."
When talking, I saw the chaos of the brocade scale rolling. The two dragons were all over the body, and the dragon balls were instantly entangled in the chaotic airflow and then instantly decomposed and absorbed by the brocade scale dragon balls.
"Self-dedication is really noble." A sneer at the cold words sounded behind Brocade, and it made my hair stand on end. At the most critical moment, it was like a python swallowing half of an antelope into its belly. At this time, if someone made moves, he would have to step back and steal the chicken and not eat the rice.
Chapter 2275 ZuLong return refuge chaos
There are not many people in the lock demon tower who can appear at the right time at this time.
"Oh, my God," Jin Li has an impulse to criticize women, but she still stays steady and sits there quickly refining two dragon balls.
"Snake God, you are really here!" Brocade scales are hidden in chaos
"You should hurry up and refine. Don’t play tricks on me. You don’t have much time." The snake god frowned
The snake myth surprised Jin Li. "What’s the explanation?"
"I got hung-chun’s means." The snake god looked at Brocade Scale. "I have to guard the demon tower here, and all beings, especially the strong ones, are always watching."
Speaking of which, the snake god looked at Brocade Scale. "I can’t hide everything from the lock demon tower, but I can’t hide it from Hung-chun. Hung-chun’s means are beyond ordinary people’s imagination. I can temporarily suppress Hung-chun for three days when he knows this place."
"So that’s it." I need a day. "
In my heart, I guess what means Yu Duxiu relies on to control a strong man. If you learn this method yourself, wouldn’t it be a natural enemy?
"I mean, it’s been three days since you want to rescue the powerful people in the Lock Demon Tower." The snake god slowly turned around and took out a bug and put it in front of Brocade Scale. "Remember it for three days! You have three days. "
Looking at the snake god walking far away, Jin scale frowned and chaotic gas slowly rolled up the bug to reveal a thoughtful color.
Little by little, the brocade scale said that it was only a day that left a hand secretly, but it was only half a day when the two Long Jun were completely digested. At this time, the brocade scale was full of chaos and dzogchen Qi Qi was flawed
"Idiot!" After exercising, I feel the dzogchen chaotic brocade scale with a bit of enjoyment expression "familiar feeling! I am familiar with chaos. Now I have completely suppressed Aole. I am the first ancestor. Long Aole is no longer qualified for my competition. "
"My ZuLong is back! Ha, ha, ha, hong-jun, I am now chaotic and complete. Seeing you as suppressing me, "Jin Li laughed wildly."
"I always feel a little restless these days." Jade Duxiu stopped and went all the way to the far north, far north ice sheet, and hesitated about Aole. It is always necessary to give an account to Hane, even though Hane Aole has cut off her mother and daughter, but as the saying goes, a woman’s heart is in the sea, and this matter needs an account.
It’s a relief to watch several new gods killed by the town. It’s also a trouble that many ants can kill elephants.

Then Ding Qiunan put the cup in front of Xu Damao.

"How are Da Mao, Xiao E and the children?"
"Well, Sister-in-law Xiaoe asked me to tell you that if you don’t go there today, she will come to your house with her child in her arms."
"Ha ha" made Ding Qiunan laugh.
"Can’t she make trouble? We’ll pick up the children later."
My wife has promised Li Chu, and naturally she won’t object again.
"Where does Damao eat? It won’t be at home, will it?"
"How is it possible, Brother Chu? Who dares to eat at home? The restaurant has been booked, and there is a roadside outside."
That’s right. Who dares to make big fish and big meat in the yard at the moment? This is to find something for themselves.
After chatting for a while, Xu Damao was ready to go.
"ChuGe sister-in-law, then I’ll go there first, and you can pick up the children and come directly to the hotel."
After seeing him off, Li Chu and Ding Qiunan went to the hospital nursery to pick up the child.
Li Chu also ran to the logistics department and told Wang Kechang that he would continue to send the children here after a while.
This real root is not a thing. Wang Kechang directly agreed without even considering it.
Two people came to the hotel with their children. Lou Xiaoe and his family had already come and waited.
After entering the bag, Lou Dad congratulated them before Li Chu said anything about blessing.
Xu Damao went back and told them about Li Chu’s enlistment.
Since I saw the energy behind Li Chu when I donated, Lou Dad has been shocked and doesn’t know what to say.
Now I want to keep this paragraph going.
"Uncle Lou wishes you happiness as the East China Sea lives longer than the South Mountain!"
"Thank you, thank you, please sit down!"
There is no ice where there is Xu Damao. This guy is definitely a talker.
Ding Qiunan sat with Lou Xiaoe and held her child in her arms.
Yes, Lou Xiaoe gave birth to another child with her second child.
And Xu Damao didn’t go back on our word just because Lou’s family came down, so he gave in to Lou’s surname.
It can also be seen from here that Xu Damao has really changed a lot, and because of this, Lou Dad and Lou Ma have changed a lot about Xu Damao’s senses.
Don’t talk about Lou’s family. Li Chu is impressed by Xu Damao.
The child really made him grow up a lot.
After dinner, Li Chu thought about it and took Xu Damao.
"Da Mao pays more attention to Liu Haizhong, whether in the factory or in the courtyard."
Drinking has been a little dizzy. Xu Damao looked at him when he heard this and turned his head to indecision.
Li Chu didn’t say anything about raising my hand and patted Xu Damao on the shoulder and walked out of the hotel.
They talked outside and went back to their homes.
Lou dad just noticed what Li Chu said to his son-in-law. It’s been half a day. His face is still red and white for a while.
"Da Mao, what did Dr. Li say just now?" Lou dad walked beside Xu Damao and asked
LouXiaoE and LouMa didn’t notice the movement here. A man was walking in front with a child in his arms.
"Dad Chu Ge just told me to pay more attention to Liu Haizhong, the second uncle of our hospital."
Xu damao turned to look at his father-in-law and said lightly
Dad still knows about Liu Haizhong Lou, but he doesn’t know this person.
"What else did Doctor Li say?"
"He also said that more attention should be paid to both the factory and the yard."
"No more?"
"No" Xu Damao shook his head.
"Er" Lou Dad didn’t understand what Li Chu meant after all after listening for a long time.
Let the attention Liu Haizhong understand how to pay attention to the key. Which aspect can’t be tracked every day?
"What kind of person is this Liu Haizhong?"
Xu Damao frowned and caught a hair. "Dad worked in the factory before liberation. Now he is a seven-level worker. What should I say? He is an official fan. He especially wants to be an official in the factory or in the courtyard, but he has never even been a group leader because he has no culture."
"Official fan?" Lou dad muttered softly.
At this time, Lou Xiaoe noticed that neither father nor husband had left the hotel door and shouted, "What are you doing there? Don’t hurry. "
"Oh, oh, here we go," Lou Dad replied.
"Come on, Mao, let’s talk as we walk."
After going back, Lou’s dad said to his son-in-law, "That’s what I think, Da Mao. You should know this doctor Li better than I do. Since he is not a loose mouth, you should be more careful after people have woken us up."
Xu Damao nodded. "I’ll pay attention to it after I know dad."

Suddenly, the second ghost startled the Green Pigeon and said, "It’s really a long way. This Taoist is about to hold a banquet for my king. Many big monsters have been invited. If you are a Taoist, why don’t you do me a favor and go to a banquet with me?"

Wu Ming natural not interested will refuse and listen to his way:
"Our king has always loved to meet heroes from all over the world. The Taoist priest from the East Shenzhou must have something to do. Then the king will surely not be stingy with the treasure."
"oh? I don’t know if there are treasures? "
The blue-skinned ghost grabbed the conversation again: "Taoist priests don’t underestimate people. Although this land boundary is not as good as that of East Shenzhou, it is also raised by water and soil."
"Fairy treasures can’t be counted. Huatianbao is hidden in the deep mountain. My king, the abode of fairies and immortals, knows the nether world. Even the purple lotus is nowhere else."
Wu Ming’s heart was moved and heard a fairy medicine.
I’ve also played a lot of landmarks these days, but I didn’t get anything. I just bumped into it myself.
"I still don’t know the name of your king?"
The green leather ghost proudly said, "My king is the one-horned ghost king!"
One-horned ghost king? It’s a familiar name again
Grandma herself, has this triggered the westward journey? One by one, acquaintances gather around.
You won’t wait until you travel to the west, and you will be full of acquaintances at first sight?
I became interested in Wu Ming, who wanted to meet this one-horned ghost king. I wonder if it was that one.
It may also be a name collision. After all, most of these demons and lich kings can’t get any good names.
"Two pioneers, please lead the way and be original and meet the one-horned king."
Green leather ghost and blue leather ghost are both happy, leading the way and leading the dragon turtle.
"Taoist, this mount is ugly. There are some good horses and good beasts in my king’s cave. Why don’t you change it?"
Meng Jia was angry when he heard that these two ugly monsters, who are very similar to ghosts but not people, actually called him ugly.
Is to see Wu Ming at a glance also dare not make a roar.
Scared the green husk to fall.
"Taoist, this mount is so loud. It must be good to be a bell."
Wu Ming smiled. I haven’t heard that Ba likes to be a Zhong Pu prison.
"Just now you two were arguing?"
The green leather ghost said, "Your Majesty asked us to treat you to dinner. I said that there were many people leaving in the east, and he wanted to walk in the west to make it easier, so we started fighting."
Wu Ming’s real understanding
"Don’t you go east and west?"
The two monsters seemed to suddenly realize: "The Taoist priest is very wise. I must have heard that there is a Feng Chu in Wolong!"
You two are not scolding me, are you?
Chapter 6 The Demons Go to the Banquet and Meet the Mouse Princess again
The One-horned Ghost King is also famous for its thousands of miles in Fiona Fang, and there are also many kinds of goblins and ghosts for dinner.
The two monsters lead the dragon and lead the guests all the way to an abyss.
Here, there is a gathering of yin qi, and the bones of the cliff are in the forest, and the fur in the corpse cave is a blanket. It is strange for ordinary people to welcome them.
The one-horned ghost king will invite guests today, but the little monsters are very busy.
Kill pigs and cattle, lead sheep and chop horses, get monkey wine, pick ganoderma lucidum fruit and stone tables, arrange rattan chairs and move them in pairs
What a lively scene.
At the gate, the little demon saw Qinglan’s two ghosts with a Taoist priest leading the monster and couldn’t help asking, "Aren’t the two pioneers going to treat you? How can you buy such things from this Taoist priest? I don’t know what it tastes like. Even this meal is not enough."
"Don’t talk nonsense," muttered the green husk ghost. "This Taoist is from Dongshenzhou. I invited him to dinner and told the king quickly."
The little demon hurried into the cave and reported.
"Lord Dao will not be scorned for my king’s longing for Shenzhou."
Wu Ming nodded for a moment.
Listening to a burst of gongs and drums, the one-horned ghost king led a group of people out.
"I heard that there was a way to come to Shenzhou, and Xiao Wang failed to meet."
Wu Ming immediately made a bow: "Being original and polite."

Senior three stopped trying to terminate this transaction.

JiShuang patted his sleeve "? This is a serious business. I hope you are a position and a matter of course. "
"You …"
It’s really such a senior three who can say, "Zeng’s adult, you are waiting for me. If you have difficulties at home, don’t say it?" Is it normal for you to sell your children and girls if you need money? "
Zeng Bing sneered at him from the bottom of his heart that he had gone to Xiqiao with iron.
Chapter 29 Cut
Get up
Today is not a day.
The sheep car looks lucky, attracts bees and butterflies, and a set of three arrows is simply a slap in the face.
Indulge in beauty is indulging in beauty. There is nothing to praise!
I’ll be interesting to see how the ministers can wash their feet. I can’t think of any coquettish exercises to backstab himself!
Queen Jiang dresses and Huang Guifei washes.
The life of a bad king is so envious of others and taking out his body.
I received two urgent letters early in the morning.
"Dear ladies, let’s take a look at this play together."
I came to the console table and motioned my sisters to sit next to me.
Queen Jiang hesitated. "It is inconvenient for the harem to intervene …"
"What’s the inconvenience? A good wife, Princess Wu Ding, can not only be competent in politics, but also fight for the queen of the Quartet. Do you know that you can’t be competent? "
The transferee, Queen Jiang, took Huang Guifei and Deng Chanyu to the side and sincerely said, "The two love princesses have been practicing martial arts since childhood and have a good legacy as good as men. If I personally expedition in the future, I will inevitably take my love princess in and out of the military camp to fight in all directions."
Of course, I won’t let my two sisters go to the front to take risks. If only the Chinese army would chirp me and show my love.
"The queen will read it to me."
Seeing this ginger queen, I don’t have to worry much. Although she is a woman, is she really worse than a man?
Queen Jiang doesn’t recognize that she is worse than the DPRK ministers in managing the country. In those days, Zhou Wang closed the Zen or helped Yin Jiao and Yin Hong supervise the country’s management behind her.
"This recital was played by Lord Boyi, and the family has been copied and demoted to civilians."
Nodded, "Good. Can the family complain?"
"No … even if the family was demoted to civilians, they didn’t complain, but they felt that they didn’t kill kindness."
With a stupid face, is there such a person in the world?
Are you still happy when you rob your property?
"I know a letter"
"The other one was played by senior three adults. Adult Zeng Bing made a living by cutting her salary, but she had to sell women in the street and senior three adults stopped her from playing."
It’s okay. Bad news and good news. Although I don’t know what’s wrong with the brain circuit of the family, I prepared a low salary to make the old minister demon work.
I have always felt that it is impossible for Manchu civil servants to be loyal to themselves.
Then the only explanation is that the chief minister suppressed the disgruntled courtiers in all aspects, and those people had to behave like loyal courtiers
He deliberately gave this meaning to his ministers, Hugh Mu, to see if he could take the opportunity to let those who set their minds on it scamper.
Wen Zhong, Shang, Yang, and Lu Xiong are all out for a break!
Zeng bing, this is a set!
It must be intentional to sell your daughter in the street!
Queen Jiang was indecisive. "There were officials who were quite clean and honest, even male and female servants who had been heard in the palace for a long time. When King Wen Ding was the first king, he also bumped into a pillar to exhort the strong-willed loyalty …"
It is really difficult to be nodded. "What is the queen’s good idea?"
Queen Jiang frowned for a long time before saying, "We must first appease Zeng’s adult’s right and wrong, and we must know the difficulties. Then we will give a reward in the palace, so that the criticism can be smaller than some people say that the court treats the minister poorly."
It’s very good to be nodded. The queen is really virtuous and directly ruled out a wrong option.
He also intends to give Zeng Bing an official position. Now I can’t add it.
Isn’t adding an official equal to appeasement?
Can severely punish and intensify contradictions, and must not be rewarded.
On second thought, it’s not right …
If he is severely punished, will the minister be afraid to jump for fear?
Forget it, it doesn’t matter that much. One is another.
"I’ve been thinking about it for three days."
When the courtiers saw the ceremony, they couldn’t stand it. "I’ve heard that Dr. Zeng had to sell women in the street because his salary was too small to make a living."
The hall, which was small because of Hugh Mu, was suddenly silent.
It’s been three or four days since Zeng Bing sold his daughters, and some of them have played, but they are all like mud cows into the sea and no news has come.
Zhou Wang neither appeased Zeng Bing nor dealt with it severely.
On the contrary, it is estimated that Zeng Bing’s news of selling women will go to Beihai at the moment.
Zhou Wang, the minister, intends to treat it coldly. Although the old minister’s salary has been cut a lot, it will not really reach the point of life. Unless the daily life is too extravagant, Zeng Bing’s salary is absolutely enough to support his family
Moreover, Zeng Bing’s savings of the three dynasties’ old ministers must have decreased a lot, and in recent months, how can things be spent so quickly? It is mostly a gimmick to sell daughters.
Selling a daughter for a high price of 1000 yuan has caused many people to sell their daughters in the street.
It not only makes the Senior Three Women’s Federation difficult, but also makes people more confident. Even the old ministers of the three dynasties have to sell girls. What about them? !
There are also many good people who have lashed out at cutting the salary of new officials and the treatment of senior officials. Is it the right way to put the cart before the horse?
If so, it can be appeased or ignored, which will eventually reduce public opinion
But now Zhou Wang suddenly doesn’t seem to mean this.
By looking at the atmosphere can’t out of the minister in the mind is also very emotional.
Look, it’s finally done. Just put it on hold for three days and leave it alone. Things are fermenting and now it’s difficult to handle.